Main Activities of Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens

Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens provides additional educational programs for foreign citizens to master professional education programs in the Russian language. The unit, formerly Pre-University Training Department for Foreign Citizens, was created according to the
resolution of the Academic Council of the University of 09.26.2005, renamed into the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens by the Rector's order No. 08-01-01/1114 of 08.16.2018.

The mission of Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens is to form the ability and willingness of students to continue their education in the Russian language in higher education institutions of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the Unit is to carry out language training for students in the Russian language in the extent necessary for mastering the basic professional educational programs and major subjects, which involves initial, basic and advanced training of students in Russian as a foreign
language and mastering general education disciplines in the humanities, engineering, biomedical, natural science and economics, as well as socio-cultural and academic adaptation of foreign students undergoing pre-university training to get higher education in institutions of the Russian Federation.

The total volume of the additional education program implemented by the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens is 2416 hours, including 612 academic hours of classwork according to educational program of studying Russian as a foreign language.

Completing additional education programs is carried out in the form of classroom lessons and individual work of students. The volume of classroom lessons is 1,152 academic hours.

The training begins on September 1 of each academic year as students arrive for training, but no later than December 1 of the current academic year. In case of late arrival of students for training, the minimum period of study in intensive course groups is 28 weeks.

The course at the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens includes basic and additional educational disciplines, according to the specializations of the additional educational program and student's educational program of higher education. The list of the main general educational disciplines of the program is determined in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1304 “On approval of requirements for mastering additional education programs that prepare foreign citizens and stateless persons to master professional educational programs in Russian”, dated of October 03, 2014.

Professional experience of teaching staff helps foreign students to successfully master the Russian language at the level necessary for training in the main professional programs of bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies, which gives students the opportunity to prepare for the implementation of educational and scientific activities in Russian.

The Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens has a language laboratory for 10 seats, equipped with the latest software systems for teaching Russian as a foreign language.

In addition, the Unit has a methodical office with computer equipment. Here you can find the curricula, industry standard, standard tests and standards of all certification levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language, multilingual dictionaries for the Preliminary Training Unit,
educational videos, video courses for all stages of training, listening guides, phonetic courses, intensive multimedia teaching systems, as well as methodological literature prepared by teachers working in the Unit.


Последнее редактирование: 10-08-2022, Тутаринова Наталия Анатолиевна