Interview with Inventor

Interview with Prof. Alexey Tyrkov, Dean of the Chemical Department of ASU, Chief of the Green Chemistry Research & Educational Center, Supervisor of the research project “Hydrazones of Nitrotetrazole-5-Carbaldehyde with Antifungal Activity”.

– What is the goal of your project?

– We have developed a method to obtain nitrotetrazole-5-carbaldehyde; this substance has antifungal properties. Our project aims to extend the range of antifungal preparations.

– Why was it necessary to develop your project?

– Existing antifungal preparations go out-of-date; there is a problem of fungi resistance, i.e. Candida and other fungi get used to those preparations. Thus, it is necessary to develop new antifungal preparations on a permanent basis. We tried to tackle this problem at least partially.

– What is the base of the technology you developed?

– Our technology is based on “green” principles: it tackles the problem of high atom economy; the product yield is practically 100 %. The obtained substance is nontoxic, as well as the initial compounds. The preparation is obtained just within one stage.

– In what fields is this preparation applicable?

– In agriculture (especially in veterinary) and in pharmacy.

– Have you revealed any side effects?

– Well, now we see no side effects; its toxicity is quite low. We need to conduct additional clinical research.

– What are the prospects of your research?

– Our prospects include modernization of our method to obtain nitrotetrazole-5-carbaldehyde, which implies switching to a water-alcohol soluble form, as well as functionalization of compounds.

Interviewed by T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Web Resources Information Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)

May 24, 2017

Последнее редактирование: 25-05-2017, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович

Hydrazones of Nitrotetrazole-5-Carbaldehyde with Antifungal Activity

Interview with Inventor