Chair of Pedagogics, Psychology, & Humanitarian Disciplines

The Chair of Pedagogics, Psychology, & Humanitarian Disciplines of the Znamensk Branch of ASU delivers all the humanitarian educational programs of our Branch.

We train our students to be qualified in two major specialties: Psychological Pedagogical Education and Pedagogical Education.

Practical application of course and diploma papers that our students write is determined by the top-priority development trends of the closed town of Znamensk and the north of Astrakhan Region in general.

Shakirov, Igor Anvarovich
PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor – Head of Chair
Address: 16 Ostrovskogo Str., Znamensk, Astrakhan Oblast 416540 Russia
Phone: +7-85-14-02-46-88.
Fax: +7-85-14-02-46-88.

Последнее редактирование: 30-03-2016, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович