Innovative Technological Center "Biotechnologies to Obtain Original Pharmaceutical Substance"

The Innovative Technological Center "Biotechnologies to Obtain Original Pharmaceutical Substance" was established in 2013 as a part of the Federal Program "Development of Innovative Infrastructure at Russian Universities". Our mission is to develop and implement modern technological approaches to creating new innovative products, including the ones that enhance the quality of life.

Our main fields of activities are as follows:

  • Scientific researches in the following fields:

    • Application of Supercritical Fluid Technologies in Green Chemistry;

    • Obtainment & Research of Properties of New Materials Based on Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds & Semiproducts of Medicinal Purpose;

  • Integration of results of our scientific researches with overall educational and innovative activities performed by Astrakhan State University;

  • Arrangement of scientific conferences by involving key specialists to develop inter-university, inter-branch, and international relations, to organize retraining for our faculty and students in the field of Chemistry, Green Chemistry, and education in Chemistry;

  • Support of project-oriented activities;

  • Publication of our research results in key periodicals;

  • Provision of services to isolate biologically active substance from vegetative and mineral raw materials, to research their composition and biological activity (antimicrobial, antifungal, and antimycobacterial).

А.Г. Тырков
D.Sc. in Chemistry, Full Professor – Director of Center


Address: Room #407, 2 Sovetskaya Str., pos. Nachalo, Privolzhskiy r-n, Astrakhan Region 416456 Russia.

Последнее редактирование: 06-03-2017, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович