20 Key Advantages of ASU

All our specialties and specializations have a state legal accreditation

ASU is a top 100 university, according to Forbes

1800+ budget-funded positions for our students are available

High-quality education and guaranteed employment

European Union Diploma Supplement

15 foreign languages are taught at ASU

80 foreign universities that are our partners

Academic mobility – from the United States to Japan

Practical training at foreign universities and at the world’s top companies

7 educational programs are among Russia’s best ones: Biology; Management; Pedagogics; Psychology; Russian Language & Literature; Primary School Education; Preschool Education

Our specialty “Jurisprudence” has obtained a professional public accreditation

130+ programs of additional education and online courses

The only university building of Class A in Southern Russia

Unique research and educational equipment of the world level

Seven modern comfortable hostels

We have a Technopark and a Laboratory of Robotics

Swimming pool

Creative development: singing, choreography, theater, etc. We have a concert hall with 700 seats

Open-air sports facilities to play football, volleyball, basketball, and tennis

Three gym apparatus halls


Phones of Admission Commission of ASU: +7-8512-24-64-07

E-mail: metodika@asu.edu.ru


Последнее редактирование: 31-08-2019, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович